Friday, 12 April 2013

Mini Performance

Today was Lea's performance at her drama group. The culmination of a three day workshop and Lea had the lead! Yes, my eldest child was playing the role of the naughtiest boy in the class (Lea always plays a boy as regular readers know), a boy who didn't listen to grown ups, was rude to his friends and only liked to eat and sleep... Typecasting really!

After TJ's running critique at last year's show (see The Performance) I briefed him in the car to sit still and not speak until after the show. I was so busy explaining why the rest of the audience might not appreciate his opinion that we were nearly late. Luckily, the impossibly cheerful drama teacher came out and made sure we were seated before they began.

TJ dutifully sat very still huddled up to me watching his older sister/brother perform. Lea was, as usual, amazing. She captured every nuance of his character, she embodied the role and allowed the character room to develop. Apart from the time that she looked over at me and winked! But I shall overlook that, it was probably in character and anyway she was superb and one day she had better live my dream for me!

At the end the audience gave a huge round of applause... Apparently there were other children involved in the performance, they were obviously there to make my Lea look good. TJ didn't clap. I leaned over, "it's ok," I told him, 'you can clap now.'
'I don't want to,' Came the reply, 'I only want to clap for Lea and I shall do that in the car.'
At least he was sparing the other members of the group his disdain... So I guess that's a step in the right direction.

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